Private & secured remote assessment. No more awkward in-person doctor visits.
Connect with a licensed provider without waiting for weeks to get an appointment.
Get your prescription medication delivered discreetly to you. Skip the pharmacy lines.
From the beginning of your journey to the finish line. We’re here for you.
Disclaimer: Motivated is not a healthcare provider. Motivated offers a technology platform for registered users to access specific products and services sold or offered by third-party healthcare providers, physicians, pharmacies, or other vendors. Motivated does not provide medical advice or care, nor does it supervise or control the physicians or pharmacists who provide services. Users are not entering into a patient-provider relationship with Motivated and the information available on the website is not intended to substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Certain products are available only if prescribed after an online consultation with a licensed healthcare provider. Specific services are only available to individuals located in certain states and may be offered on a subscription basis that renews automatically. The images used on the website are for reference only and may not reflect the actual configuration of the product. The Final cost to the customer will be determined by product and subscription plan.